Ice baths at home: What are your options?
The benefits of Ice Baths Ice baths – they're not just for elite athletes or daredevils anymore. More and more people are discovering the benefits of these soaks, like stress relief and an overall ...

Should you take a hot shower after an ice bath?
So you've just finished your daily ice bath ritual, and now you’re contemplating whether to jump in the shower and crank up the heat. What you want to know is whether taking a hot shower right afte...

Post ice bath protocol: what to do after an ice bath
So you have your ice bath, you’re ready to take the plunge, but you’re wondering what the best thing to do after an ice bath is. You’ve maybe seen videos online of people doing a horse stance and p...

How cold should your ice bath be? Does it really matter? Is there a temperature in which you’re not getting benefits, or maybe that it's dangerous? In this article, we will explore the significance...

How to take an ice bath: a guide to submerging yourself
Ice baths for recovery, ice baths for mental health, ice baths even for skincare! There are a lot of reasons why you might want to start putting cold water immersion into your daily or weekly routi...

How long should you stay in an ice bath?
Ice baths have skyrocketed in popularity recently, with people like Wim Hof advocating for their many many benefits and people discovering more and more through scientific studies that they may ind...

Ice baths for recovery: an extremely effective restoration tool
One of the most popular uses for ice baths and cold water immersion is for recovery. Athletes in various sports (football, basketball, MMA, boxing etc) have been using ice baths for decades as part...

Cold showers vs ice baths: is it time to take the plunge?
You’ve heard all the fuss about cold water exposure and how ice baths have so many benefits, but why can’t you just take a cold shower instead? Surely it’s more convenient and just as good right? ...

Ice bath benefits or: what to say when your friends and family call you crazy
Wim Hof says: “the cold is merciless, but righteous”, and I think this encapsulates what those of us who have discovered the benefits of cold water immersion have come to understand. Submerging yo...